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VCP Security codes - Audi A4 8K / MMI 2G High

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Старый 22.12.2018, 16:01   #1 (permalink)
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По умолчанию VCP Security codes - Audi A4 8K / MMI 2G High

Hi, sorry as likely this was already discussed, however I am not a Russian speaker and searching through the forum is a bit difficult.

With VCP I am trying to read EEPROM from a MMI 2G High - 07 control module (Audi A4 B8/8K). Basically I have the original module without FBAS and I want to retrofit a new module with FBAS. The second module will go into CP, so my plan is to copy relevant eeprom data from old module to new module.

I have a chinese VCP clone, and I'm trying to read 07 8T0035730 and switch to engineer mode. However I do not have the security code to login. If I go to Up/Download I also face the same issue, no valid login code.

Is this code known and could someone share it with me? If the code is generated based on serial number etc, is the algorithm known?

Thank you in advance and happy holidays!
irludba вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 22.12.2018, 17:35   #2 (permalink)
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buy the original VCP you will be supported.
If you have a clone, welcome to China
musicclop вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 22.12.2018, 20:34   #3 (permalink)
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I only need to swap these modules, not planning to open a repair shop. So the cost of the official interface is not worth it. I also like to learn new stuff so taking this to a shop is not what I want at this point.


I tried with the security codes generated as per the VIM algorithm, based on the serial number of the mmi controller. The codes work well with VCDS, but with VCP I get the following message from the CAN "seed not pass. 37 required time didn't pass".

Removing the trailing 0 from the codes (so using 4 digits instead of 5) will return Invalid Key.
irludba вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 24.12.2018, 16:24   #4 (permalink)
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Авто: Audi A6 C6 4F
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. Basically I have the original module without FBAS and I want to retrofit a new module with FBAS. The second module will go into CP, so my plan is to copy relevant eeprom data from old module to new module.
I've swaped eeproms on my MMi 2G High. Resoldered eeprom chips from my unit to new unit with FBAS (I was retrofiting TV Tuner). And it worked straight away, no coding was needed.


It was done on AUDI A6 4F

Последний раз редактировалось iceShadow; 24.12.2018 в 16:24..
iceShadow вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 24.12.2018, 16:26   #5 (permalink)
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Chinese AVDI can remove CP on mmi2g. Or you can read eeprom with programmer. There is a solution to edit eeprom to turn off cp (no need to disasemble both modules, only "new")
вуглускр вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 24.12.2018, 17:20   #6 (permalink)
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It looks like the second interface is from a 2007 Q7 and has a different software version than the one on A4 8K. Does anyone know if I can install the same A4 software version on the q7 module? I assume copying eeprom 1:1 could solve it? I tried to update the firmware via CD but it does not change the Q7 software.

I already tried resoldering the eeprom but due to the different software version, the new module went into CP.
irludba вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.12.2018, 09:44   #7 (permalink)
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post eeprom from "new" module here. You can change car options in service "green menu".
вуглускр вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 25.12.2018, 12:30   #8 (permalink)
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По умолчанию

That's actually the biggest problem, I only have VCP here right now and I don't know the correct login code to enable engineer mode. I tried 21055 and also the two codes generated with the VIM algorithm. Any other ideas?
irludba вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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