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-   -   Ford VCM 2 (http://autoprogs.ru/showthread.php?t=718)

Admin 08.06.2012 00:53

Ford VCM 2
Новый Ford VCM 2. Тут будем собирать информацию по нему.

Подробная инструкция по изменению серийного номера в VCM 2: [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. Зарегистрироваться...]


[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. Зарегистрироваться...]

  • Фотографии внутренностей FORD VCM II - [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. Зарегистрироваться...].

IDS software will support both the current VCM and new VCM II devices. The Vehicle Measurement Module (VMM) strategy remains unchanged. The VMM will continue to be supported and functional with the VCM and VCM II.

Integrated Diagnostic System Software (IDS):
The Ford Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) user interface will only be impacted by minimal changes to accommodate the additional VCM II and CFR functionality. IDS will function with VCM II in 1st half of 2012. Some additional screens will be included to identify the VCM and VCM II (devices). IDS software is only compatible with the VCM and VCM II. Other non-Ford J2534 vehicle communication devices are not compatible or supported.

Видео - сброс VCM II на заводские настройки: [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. Зарегистрироваться...].

Admin 08.06.2012 00:54

The VCM II was developed to have comparable coverage to the VCM. It will include 802.11 Wireless when launched as part of the base price (not a separate item).

All VCM II's will also be upgradeable to operate as a Customer Flight Recorder (CFR) to replace the functionality of the current Vehicle Data Recorder (VDR), which is no longer available. The VCM II has CFR capability with the addition of an optional Pendant cable. The Pendant cable is available at an extra minimal cost. Some of the highlights of the VCM II are:

The VCM II is designed to have comparable vehicle and model year coverage to the current VCM.
Enhanced 802.11 wireless that includes USB wireless cards for the VCM II and PC, which removes dependency on service department wireless infrastructure.
Contains temperature controlled software to control operation in extreme high and low temperatures
New electronic components for improved operation
Shock resistant rubber boots for a shop environment

Admin 08.06.2012 00:55

Вложений: 1
Наконец-то будет работать на Win7 x64 :smile:

+ будет Wi-Fi.
  • FORD VCM 2 Wireless User Manual. 16 страниц. Язык - английский.

Introduction . .................................................. .................................................. ................................... .3...
Download and Install IDS Software . .................................................. ........................................... .3...
Prepare the COMPUTER for a Wireless VCM II .................................................. ......................... .3...
Configure A Wireless VCM II using the Supplied D-Link Wireless Adapter (If Equipped) . ................. .4...
Instructions: First Time Connecting Wireless to the VCM II (Default) (Point to Point) . ................ .4...
Instructions: Currently Using a Wireless Access Point or Router (Returning back to Point To Point)5
Configure A Wireless VCM II using a Wireless Router or Access Point (Infrastructure) . ................... .7...
Instructions: . .................................................. .................................................. ............................. .7...
Frequently Asked Questions .................................................. .................................................. ......... .1..1

Admin 08.06.2012 08:22

Вложений: 1
  • FORD IDS VCM 2 Quick Star Guide. 5 страниц. Язык - английский.

Admin 11.06.2012 00:09

Вложений: 1
  • Ford VCM II Hardware manual. 18 страниц. Язык - английский.


DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................ 2
VCM II DESCRIPTION . .................................................. ..................................... 3
SAFETY . .................................................. .................................................. ......... 4
PROPER I NSTALLATION AND USE OF THIS EQUIPM . ENT ............................................... 4
EQUIPMENT PRECAUTIO .NS .................................................. ................................... 6
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS . .................................................. .......... 6
VCM II FEATURES & FUNCTIONS .................................................. ................... 7
NORMAL POWER-UP OF VCM II . .................................................. ........................... 8
SOFTWARE UPDA .TES .................................................. .......................................... 8
HOW TO FACTORY RESET YOUR VCM II . .................................................. ............... 8
TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................. ..................................... 10
VCM II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS . .................................................. ......... 13
CARE AND MAINTENANCE . .................................................. ......................... 14
VCM II (ES6516) PRODUCT WARRANTY .................................................. ...... 15

bsh13 28.06.2012 04:23

А на сколько он дороже первого?

Gretag 19.07.2012 17:02

Зачетная штука , как купить ?

hfq 08.08.2012 14:14

Kit includes VCM II, DLC cable,VCM II to Laptop cable and CFR Pendant.
(IDS software subscription sold separately)

sdram 14.09.2012 12:12

а как и у кого купить. Хочу! :thumbup:

mobiNik 18.09.2012 01:52

Китайцы спят пока, наверное еще копируют...
Будем ждать, пока первой версии достаточно.
Правда мой с глюком - не берет старые машины, например Скорпио, старый Транзит - только иденты и все...

Текущее время: 00:35. Часовой пояс GMT +3.

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