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Старый 12.01.2016, 13:01   #11 (permalink)
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ошибка появится и дасть подсказку
Stass вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12.01.2016, 16:40   #12 (permalink)
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Вот процедура с америкосовского ТИСа
Clear Secured High Voltage DTCs
Circuit/System Description
The hybrid powertrain control modules 1 and 2 independently monitor for high voltage safety conditions such as airbag deploy events and certain high voltage system faults. When either module identifies one of these conditions, a DTC may set and the vehicle is placed into a ‘high voltage lockout’ state. While in the lockout state, the high voltage contactor relays are prevented from closing.

The purpose of the high voltage lockout state is to allow for high voltage system inspection prior to re-enabling. A complete inspection of the high voltage system and components must be performed if the vehicle has been involved in a collision. Perform the High Voltage System Inspection procedure, if necessary, prior to clearing a Secured High Voltage DTCs/lockout state.

Diagnostic Aids
•The following conditions may result in a HV lockout state without a corresponding DTC:
– High voltage component replacement
– Low 12 V battery event
– SPS programming event
– Airbag deployment/crash event detected: The Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Diagnostic Module may or may not set a DTC but will continue to broadcast a crash event status until reset.
•Performing a scan tool DTC Clear may clear the diagnostic that set the HV lockout state, but will not reset the lockout.
•Clearing powertrain DTCs will set the Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) system status indicators to NO.
•The Clear Secured High Voltage DTCs procedure must be completed when the following components, as applicable, are replaced:
– K16 Hybrid/EV Battery Energy Control Module
– K112A – K112H Hybrid/EV Battery Interface Control Module
– A4 Hybrid/EV Battery Pack
– K114A Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module 1
– K114B Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module 2
Reference Information
Special Tools
EL-49642 SPS Programming Support Tool

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.

Circuit/System Verification
 1. Vehicle ON.
 2. With a scan tool, verify the Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module 2 parameters Hybrid/EV Battery Positive Contactor Command and Hybrid/EV Battery Negative Contactor Command each indicate Closed.
⇒ If the contactors are not commanded Closed
Refer to Circuit/System Testing.

⇓ If the contactors are commanded Closed
 3. A Secured High Voltage DTC state is not present. All OK.
Circuit/System Testing
The Clear Secured High Voltage DTCs reset process requires scan tool interaction with two or three different control modules in sequence and can be completed using the following steps:

 1. Install EL-49642 SPS programming support tool.
 2. Vehicle in Service Mode. With a scan tool select the Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module 2, Hybrid Battery Pack Contactor Open Reasons data list. Verify if either the Crash Event Detected or Air Bag Deployed parameters indicate YES.
⇒ If either parameter displays YES
2.1. Perform the High Voltage System Inspection procedure.
2.2. If the results of the inspection procedure support enabling of the high voltage system, perform the Inflatable Restraint and Sensing Diagnostic Module function Reset High Voltage Disable Request After Crash Event Detected.
2.3. Turn the vehicle OFF for 5 minutes.
2.4. Proceed to next step.
⇓ If BOTH parameters indicate NO
 3. Vehicle in Service Mode. With a scan tool, clear All DTCs.
Note: A command reject may appear on the scan tool after the first Clear Secured High Voltage DTCs request. If this occurs, ignore this command reject and continue to the next step.

 4. With a scan tool, select Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module 2 Control Functions list. Select Clear Secured High Voltage DTCs and follow the on-screen instructions waiting 45 seconds before exiting the screen.
 5. With a scan tool, select Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module Control Functions list. Select Clear Secured High Voltage DTCs. Select Continue button waiting 45 seconds before exiting the screen.
 6. With a scan tool, select Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module 2 Control Functions list. Select Clear Secured High Voltage DTCs and follow the on-screen instructions.
 7. With a scan tool, clear All DTCs.
 8. Allow the Hybrid/EV powertrain Control Modules to enter sleep mode by performing the following:
8.1. Turn the vehicle OFF.
8.2. Ensure the scan tool is not communicating with any control modules by returning to the Home screen.
8.3. Shut all doors. Do NOT depress the brake pedal or activate any vehicle controls such as the parking lights, fuel door release, etc.
8.4. Ensure the scan tool is accessible without having to open doors or otherwise cause control module wake-up.
Note: Sleep mode is usually entered within two minutes after shutting off the vehicle. However, activating vehicle features such as Refuel Mode may extend this time up to 30 minutes.

8.5. Wait 5 minutes with the vehicle in the prescribed condition so that the modules may enter sleep mode.
 9. With a scan tool, verify the Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module 2 has gone to sleep by ensuring communication is not present.
⇒ If communication is present
Repeat the previous step.

⇓ If communication is not present
10. Start the vehicle. With a scan tool, perform the Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module 2 reset function Hybrid/EV Battery Contactor Open Reasons Reset.
11. Verify that no DTCs are set.
⇒ If any DTCs are set
Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List - Vehicle.

⇓ If no DTCs are set
12. All OK.


Чтобы включить сервисный режим нужно удержать 5 сек кнопку включения
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Эти 6 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо gmsers за сообщение:
ale197911 (22.03.2021), kasmanaft (10.10.2017), Stass (12.01.2016), taukita22 (10.12.2017), zivik (18.07.2018), Владимир Кузнецов (23.02.2018)
Старый 23.02.2018, 12:44   #13 (permalink)
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Откуда: Харьков
Авто: Шевроле Вольт, КИА Соренто
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Интересно, как решился вопрос? Самому вольта скоро забирать с рихтовки.
Владимир Кузнецов вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 23.04.2018, 18:43   #14 (permalink)
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Откуда: Iran
Авто: GM Venture
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Thank You Sir
battery13v вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 15.05.2024, 07:15   #15 (permalink)
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Откуда: Степанов
Авто: Опель ампера 2012
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Всем привет извините не знаю куда писать помогите советом.
Мой опель ампера не заводится.
Вышло из строя зарядное устроиство и выдал ошибку (service high voltage charging system).Подключил lounch и удалил все ошибки после чего перестал заводится вообще.Прошло несколько дней поле снятия клем с 12v батареи внезапно заработал,ошибка осталась.Решил поменять сенсор уровня жидкости в охлаждения батареи и житкость тоже.Снял с 12v батареи клеммы вытащил предохранитель ввб поменял жидкость поставил обратно подключил клеммы,проверил на ошибки удалил и после злого не заводится чтобы я не делал.
Дмитрий Степанов вне форума   Ответить с цитированием

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