Форум по автодиагностике, автосканерам, ремонту, обслуживанию и эксплуатации автомобилей

Форум по автодиагностике, автосканерам, ремонту, обслуживанию и эксплуатации автомобилей (http://autoprogs.ru/index.php)
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-   -   Volvo FH4 Euro 6 Adblue off (http://autoprogs.ru/showthread.php?t=40065)

etaja 05.02.2021 12:16

[QUOTE=maxxim_a;1023811]Volvo FH4 2018г.
Калужская сборка.
Euro6 тоже можно[COLOR="Silver"]

как насчет контрольной суммы?
насколька я знаю, никто не может подсчитать контрольную сумму для Volvo E6, после изменений?

Водолей 07.03.2021 09:10


Сообщение от maxxim_a (Сообщение 1023453)
Я год назад делал галетой, на столе (JTAG). то ещё удовольствие :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

4 машины SCR OFF+CHIP

А решение кто делал?

Отправлено с моего Mi A3 через Tapatalk

xaxol35rus 05.06.2021 11:45

7 параметров всего

да побольше написал специально и без уточнений,чтоб не так легко было

fhtruck43 17.06.2021 15:29

xaxol35rus, привет. Я так понял и на 4 версии можно отключить?

xaxol35rus 20.07.2021 13:17


Сообщение от fhtruck43 (Сообщение 1065273)
xaxol35rus, привет. Я так понял и на 4 версии можно отключить?

я на второй 5ти значных прамаметров не видел😂

Это на д13к

Рустам Викторович 18.08.2021 20:36


Сообщение от xaxol35rus (Сообщение 1062401)
7 параметров всего

да побольше написал специально и без уточнений,чтоб не так легко было

Честно вы так пошутили? или реально этим отключаете ТЕА2+ ???

p1kkp Enables OBD Information that can be used for all variants T2P_ChO-002732 [0] = EM-EC01 [1] = EM-EC06 [2] = EM-EU5 [3] = EM-EU6 [4] = EM-JPN10 [5] = EM-JPN16 [6] = EML8 Note: EM-EC01 = European Community 2001 Level Euro 3 EM-EC06 = European Community 2006 Level Euro 4 EML8 = Special Customization of Euro 6 for Japan ChO for ENUM[6] = EML8 Change is ChO-11461..

p1scm no
p1rn6 no

p1ak1 Adblue Bargraph In Display Used to completely enable / disable the AdBlueBargraph in the display. Vehicle without AdBlue must deactivate this parameter. true = Bargraph visible false = Bargraph hidden

p1e37 Emission Standard Emission Standard coding as follows: n = Euro n for example: 5 = Euro V 6 = Euro VI

p1kkp OBD Information Variants Enables OBD Information that can be used for all variants T2P_ChO-002732 [0] = EM-EC01 [1] = EM-EC06 [2] = EM-EU5 [3] = EM-EU6 [4] = EM-JPN10 [5] = EM-JPN16 [6] = EML8 Note: EM-EC01 = European Community 2001 Level Euro 3 EM-EC06 = European Community 2006 Level Euro 4 EML8 = Special Customization of Euro 6 for Japan ChO for ENUM[6] = EML8 Change is ChO-11461..

p1eoe Malfunction Indication Telltale For On Board Diagnostics Enabled Indicates if the malfunction indication telltale function for on board diagnostics is to be enabled or not. False = Disabled True = Enabled ReadWrite

p1awx ECUList Aftertreatment Control Module installed Defines if he ECU is installed ReadWrite
p1alz Fuel Consumption, Calibration In Percent A percentage correction value to compensate any deviation between the calculated fuel consumption shown in the Driver Information Display and the fuel consumption according to the customer's fuel protocol. A value up to +/-10% can be programmed. For example the value 2 means an increase of 2% and -2 a decrease of 2%. The following formula gives the new value of P1ALZ to program: P1ALZcurrent + C = P1ALZnew. Example: (P1ALZcurrent = -3) + (Factor C = 4) = 1 = P1ALZnew i.e. if current parameter value is -3 and factor C is 4 then the new parameter value to program is 1. NOTE -- For US markets which uses miles per gallon (mpg) as standard fuel consumption unit, please use fuel consumed in gallons in the equation, instead of mpg in the above equation. The following formula gives the correction factor C: (Consumption according to the customer's fuel protocol - Consumption according to display) / Consumption according to display x 100 = the correction factor C. Example: (3.612 - 3.487) / 3.487 * 100 = C = 3.58% The correction factor C should be rounded off to the nearest integer, i.e. 3.58% should be rounded up to 4%. Note: When the programming operation of P1ALZ is complete, reset the Trip and fuel data in Driver Information Display.

p1e5q OBD Torque Limiter Enabled Enables OBD (On Board Diagnostics) torque limiter functionality. 0 = OBD Torque Limiter Functionality Disabled 1 = OBD Torque Limiter Functionality Enabled

p1fox Engine Emission Standard Defines the engine emission control standard. [0] = EM-EC01 [1] = EM-EC06 [2] = EM-EU5 [3] = EM-EU6 [4] = EM-JPN10 [5] = EM-JPN16 [6] = EML8 Note: EM-EC01 = European Community 2001 Level Euro 3 EM-EC06 = European Community 2006 Level Euro 4 EML8 = Special Customization of Euro 6 for Japan ChO for ENUM[6] = EML8 Change is ChO-11461.. ReadWrite

p1dt6 AdBlue Level Function Enabled Availability of the AdBlue Level function. false = function not available true = function available ReadOnly

p1d4t AdBlue Level Low, Function Defines if the "AdBlue Level Low" function is available. BD AdBlue Level Low It shall be possible to enable or disable the AdBlue Level Low function separately from the AdBlue Level function. Values: FALSE = function not available, TRUE = function available Default value: TRUE. ReadWrite

p1e7r Coolant Temperature Set Point ReadWrite

p1ask Warm Hold, Function Enable/disable the warm up and warm hold function. The warm hold function is automatically engaged at idle in order to provide faster engine warm up. ReadWrite

p1c1t OBD Failure Alert Event Logging, Enable Enables logging of OBD failure alert events. ReadWrite

p1c0p AdBlue Tank Low Level Event Logging, Enable. Enables logging of AdBlue tank low level events. ReadWrite

etaja 30.08.2021 12:44

biez prashyfki niesrabotajiet....

makarr 03.09.2021 11:24

Нужно пробовать

ADMAN 08.09.2021 11:24

Доброго дня, подскажите, где найти инфу по програмному отключению мочевины для Volvo FH4, euro 5?

makarr 09.09.2021 10:39

чуть выше на этой странице есть ответ
не хватает только двух
и куча лишних

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